Frequently asked questions.

What is the difference between translating and interpreting?

Often the terms "interpretation" and "translation" are used interchangeably out of sheer confusion. However, interpretation is not translation and translation is not interpretation. Different skills are required.


Interpretation is the transferral of the spoken word from one language into another. It is important to grasp the meaning of what is said very quickly and to reproduce it in a way which corresponds to the speaker’s intention and delivery. Interpreters need to have high concentration, good comprehension and finally a pleasant voice.


In contrast, translation is the transferral of a written text into another language. Translators use tools such as dictionaries, glossaries and websites, they revise the translation several times and work very thoroughly to convey the original text as accurately as possible. However, they do not lose sight of the target audience and phrase the text in such a way that it reads fluently and naturally.

Do I need one or two interpreters?

Simultaneous interpreting requires high concentration and can only be practised for a limited time without a break. Usually two interpreters work in an interpreters' booth and alternate every 20 to 30 minutes. When they work with a tour-guide system the working conditions are even harder for them and they always work in teams of two.


For consecutive interpreting, e.g. at a reception, or for liaison interpreting in court, in the public service sector or at business negotiation one interpreter is usually sufficient. The speaker makes a pause and the interpreter interprets what has been said, a different technique is applied. However, if assignments last for several hours, we recommend booking two interpreters, since concentration naturally decreases during the day. That way we can guarantee the continuously high quality of interpretation.


We will be pleased to advise you on the suitable interpreting technique for your event and to organise a team of interpreters as well as the conference equipment for you.

How much does it cost to book interpreters?

Interpreters are usually paid a daily fee. This daily fee does not only include the interpreting on the day of your event but also the preparation and terminology research, the follow-up and organisational tasks such as putting together a team of interpreters. Traveling and accommodation costs are charged separately. If we provide the conference equipment through one of our partner firms these costs are also charged separately.


Contact us and we will provide an offer tailored to your needs.

What are working languages?

The working languages of an interpreter are the languages out of which and into which she/he interprets. A difference is made between A, B and C languages.

The A language is the mother tongue of the interpreter.

The B language is an active language, i.e. the interpreter works from and into this language, e.g. from English into German and from German into English.

The C language is a passive language, i.e. the interpreter works only from this language into her/his mother tongue, e.g. from Spanish into German.

A delegation from abroad is coming to visit us. What kind of interpreting is best suited and how many interpreters do I need?

Qualified interpreters can accompany your delegation for several days during its stay, for example when visiting, companies, government offices, social institutions etc. Depending on the situation, either simultaneous interpreting with a tour-guide system is applied or a speech or presentation can be interpreted consecutively. Or the interpreters sit at the table with the delegates and interpret between them during their talks.


As the working hours are usually fairly long during delegation visits we recommend at least two interpreters.


Please describe your interpreting assignment as precisely as possible and we will be pleased to provide you with an offer that matches the visit of your delegation perfectly.


Traveling and accommodation costs are usually charged separately in addition to the interpreting fee.


We do not provide guided city tours or any other tourist offers.

Do you provide translations?

Yes, we will be pleased to offer translations in preparation for your event, e.g. of the agenda, the programme leaflet etc. or of the conference documentation after the event.


We also translate documents of all kind in our languages and fields of expertise. We can supply translations in other languages upon request, but we are not a bulk translation agency and always check the quality of the translations ourselves. For languages we do not know or areas we are not familiar with we prefer to recommend qualified colleagues.

How much does a translation cost?

Translations are paid per word or per line. The word or line price depends on how difficult and how long the text is, e.g. whether it is very technical and requires much research or special stylistic features have to be taken into consideration.


Please send us your text and we will provide an offer tailored to your needs.